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Mastering Audio. The Art and the Science book

Mastering Audio. The Art and the Science. Bob Katz

Mastering Audio. The Art and the Science

ISBN: 0240808371,9780240808376 | 306 pages | 8 Mb

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Mastering Audio. The Art and the Science Bob Katz
Publisher: Focal Press

Katz is the author of the book 'Mastering Audio – The Art and the Science', which has been reviewed by some as the definitive work on mastering. Pro Tools Mixing and Mastering (2012). You should also own Bob Katz's book “Mastering Audio, the Art and the Science.” While Katz often gets off onto technical, beard-y discussions of jitter and compressor knees, his knowledge is still pretty indispensable. Mastering eBay auctions: Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science by Bob Katz (2007, Paperback) One Response to “AMPEX GRAND MASTER 456 STUDIO MASTERING AUDIO TAPE USED”. MacProVideo Cubase 401 Mastering In Cubase TUTORiAL. Digital Music Doctor Mixing and Mastering Know It All (PC). Bob Katz - Mastering Audio: The Art And The Science / Боб Катц - Мастеринг Фонограмм: Искусство И Наука - эту книгу написал инженер аудио мастеринга Боб Катц, работавший на различных студиях. For your education (if needed) try reading Bob Katz's "Mastering Audio - The Art and the Science". Most people see audio mastering, the connection between mixing your music and preparing it for various audiences or for distribution, as an art and a science. It would be fair to say that Bob knows a fair amount about the art and science of audio recording, mixing and mastering! Now it's your chance to attend a unique workshop by Bob Katz at SAE Institute. When I finally got the app going, I tried mastering the clip and it took me another few tries before I got a successful file. If the project is going to a mastering engineer, bounce at the session settings and let the ME do any SRC or bit depth change at his end.